Toxicology Labs Average $475 Per Medicare Patient
Toxicology Labs Average $475 Per Medicare Patient
.The top 25 independent toxicology lab companies received an average of $475 of revenue per Medicare patient they served in 2019, according to data analyzed by Laboratory Economics from the Medicare Part B program.
The biggest toxicology lab in the country is Aegis Sciences Corp. (Nashville, TN), which received $47.8 million of Medicare payments for 387,812 tests provided to 117,943 patients in 2019 for an average of $405 per patient. Aegis billed an average of 3.3 CPT codes per Medicare beneficiary it served. Its three highest volume codes in 2019 were G0482 (drug test, definitive; 15-21 classes), CPT 80307 (testing for presence of drug) and G0481 (drug test, definitive; 8-14 classes).
Vitas Laboratory (Barling, AR) collected the highest average Medicare payment per beneficiary at $4,459. The company billed an average of 28 CPT codes per Medicare beneficiary it served. Its three highest volume codes in 2019 were G0483 (drug test, definitive; 22+ classes), CPT 80307
and CPT 80053 (comprehensive metabolic panel). The owner of Vitas Laboratory, Billy Joe Taylor, was recently indicted for allegedly defrauding Medicare.