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What Kind Of Company Is 23andMe?

What Kind Of Company Is 23andMe?

A study led by researchers at the genetic testing lab company Invitae (SanFrancisco, CA) found that 23andMe’s direct-to-consumer BRCA test forhereditary breast cancer misses almost 90% of BRCA mutation carriers. 23andMe has been criticized for offering the test...

Redwood Toxicology Sold For 3.3x Revenue

Redwood Toxicology Sold For 3.3x Revenue

The investment firm American Capital Strategies (Bethesda, MD) has paid $79.5 million for a 67% stake in Redwood Toxicology Laboratory (Santa Rosa, CA). Redwood’s management team, including chief executive and founder Bob Mount, owns the remaining 33%. The deal, which...

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